A New Way to Be Human


An Online Exhibition Exploring the Bible Through Art

How does one progress in faith? Both attention to the spiritual and physical are addressed in an ancient text, Matthew. Students and InterVarsity staff from Emily Carr University of Art + Design have responded to readings of Matthew chapters five, six and seven through the creation of art in a variety of media. This book is found in the Bible and is written by an early Christian disciple, Matthew, to record the amazing teachings of his mentor, Jesus Christ. We come from diverse backgrounds and belief systems but have spent approximately three months of weekly sessions together studying this religious text.


It contains themes surrounding prayer, forgiveness, intentions of the heart, the true promises for God’s people, and the distinction between having faith and not. Matthew’s narrative is written to the people of God who are awaiting God’s rescue including those who are vulnerable, isolated, and displaced. Matthew is known for reaffirming the promises of God and teaching how they are fulfilled by the person of Jesus.


Reception Zoom link found at linktr.ee/intervarsityemilycarr

A New Way To Be Human. An Online Exhibition Exploring the Bible Through Art. Reception: January 15, 7:00 pm. Zoom link in description.
Image credit: Jasper Rodrigues @jasperrie

Contact Us


InterVarsity at Emily Carr staff: Bryn Vargas [email protected]

Student Leader: Hayley Ng [email protected]

Instagram: @intervarsityemilycarr or visit https://ivcf.ca/emily-carr/ for more info