We believe that investing into the next generation during their crucial years not only improves our own lives but is an essential part of God’s redemption plan for the world. Would you consider joining us in our mission to grow faith in young people across Canada?

I lost myself once but camp helped me to find myself again. Camp not only rooted me in my relationship with God but I wouldn’t be who I am without camp. And I’m all the better because of camp. – Miranda

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Planting a chapter isn’t easy, but my campus minister walked alongside me as we discovered more of what God is already doing in this campus. We just had to tap into it. Looking back, these experiences shaped who I am today and my calling to pursue ministry.
– Christie

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Camp is the place where I first met a God that loves me on the mountain and remarkably loves me in the valley. It is the place that has given me the encouragement to start this race, and the inspiration to run it no matter where I go. – Ian

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Will I work with a partner or a team on campus?
You will certainly be on a team for your region and/or camp. You will also have a supervisor that will support you and check in with you on regular intervals.
Are all jobs full time?
Most are full time, although campus minister roles can be flexible to be part time and adjust to different models that work for the person.
Are all the jobs salaried?
The camp and National Resource Centre jobs are salaried, but the campus minister and staff director roles are all fundraised. Our campus staff raise 100% of their salaries. We offer coaching and support to help staff raise their funds.
Will I be trained?
You will absolutely receive training for your role.
What denomination are you with?
We are a nondenominational non-profit organization. We do require our staff to adhere to our Code of Conduct and Statement of Faith.