What We Do in the World
Step into a new place.
Spending time with people who aren’t the same as you, changes you. On mission, you live each day with different people—who laugh at different jokes, dance to different music or live in houses the size of your bedroom. You hand your uncertainty over to God and ask for faith in its place.
At InterVarsity, you will have yearly opportunities to volunteer on short-term mission trips. Through them, you’ll learn how to contribute your strengths and abilities back at home or around the world.
At Urbana you will hear from leaders in missions work from every corner of the world as you gain tools and connections to actively discern your place in global mission.

Urbana is the kind of conference you drag your friends to, saying, ‘It’s so good, you HAVE to go!” It’s where you’ll experience multicultural worship and hear stories from people who have served God all over the world. Where you’ll explore what it means to live missionally as an architect or a graphic designer, a nurse or a student. Representatives from hundreds of organizations will be waiting to show you all the places you could go. And then there’s the incredible Bible studies, prayer ministry and the Urbana bookstore ($5 books, anyone?). At Urbana, God speaks into your life even if you don’t expect him to. Urbana is so good. You HAVE to go!
Curious? Visit urbana.org




Interested in serving in another part of the world? Contact our Field Director Pete Ott at [email protected]