What We Do at Camp
When your child goes to camp…
They’ll unplug from technology and plug into all sorts of fun activities. They’ll experience that twinge of nervous excitement as they climb into a saddle or paddle a kayak for the first time. They’ll find their voice as they ask questions about Jesus with their camp leader after small group. They’ll screw up the courage to be silly during the group skit, knowing their friends are right there cheering them on. Through intentional activities and mentorship, our camps create safe, fun spaces for campers aged 5-19. At camp, children and youth discover they’re capable of more than they ever imagined.
Find a Camp

We love watching campers grow up with us. We’ve had kids come to camp for the first time at age five and spend each summer with us until they graduate high school. Often they even come back as summer staff or volunteers. We love this because we want our campers to feel like they’re joining a family. One where they’re guided and inspired by staff who seem like their cool big brother or sister. And one where they’ll have the opportunity to become older siblings themselves one day. We hope your child will join our camp family this summer!

Our camps are about far more than offering a week of activities to your kids. We want them to become leaders. At camp they’ll be in charge of everything from keeping track of their own socks to organizing a game of Capture the Flag. They’ll wipe down tables after dinner and spot their cabin mate as she goes first on the high wall. They’ll lead Bible studies and pray with their friends. They’ll also see the consistency and care of Jesus modelled through camp leaders who are there with tissues in hand or a high-five at the ready. Send your child to camp, and see their leadership grow.

At camp, your child will experience Jesus in a fresh, personal way through every moment. There are the big moments, like when your daughter studies the Bible for the first time or your teenager learns how to play a new worship song. But then there are the little moments. Like when your independent 10-year-old is the first to grab the serving spoon so she can fill everyone else’s bowl with soup. Or when your shy seven-year-old initiates a campfire singalong about Jesus. These moments matter to us, too. Send your child to camp, and they’ll experience Jesus in even the smallest gesture.

Our camps are here to serve you. When you feel the crunch of the gravel under your tires as you pull into camp, know that our staff are ready and eager to meet you at the door and help you with your bags. We are thrilled to help you settle in. Bring your youth or campus group to visit, and we’ll organize activities for you ranging from wilderness excursions to tubing; horse wrangling to kayaking. We want you to make it your own. So book a weekend or a week, kick off your boots, and consider yourself at home—we’ll take care of the rest!