Our Stories
IFES World Student Day 2017
This Friday, the largest student organization in the world is pausing to pray. Will you join them?
World Student Day is a day of prayer held by the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), which has active member groups in over 160 countries. Across time zones, in hundreds of languages and dialects, students, graduates, staff and supporters of student mission all over the world will gather to pray together.
In 1947, InterVarsity was one of the 10 founding student movements of IFES, all of whom shared a vision for the gospel to reach people in every nation. InterVarsity continues to partner with IFES movements in a variety of ways, including short-term mission trips called Global Partnerships.

Preparing for Friday, we’ll be thinking about the three values of World Student Day:
- Our God is a global God
- Our faith is a global faith
- Our prayer is global prayer
Students from the 11 global regions that IFES serves (and beyond) are invited to submit prayer requests here until the 20th. You can also find ideas for World Student Day events with your own student group, how to organize a global prayer meeting and hear reflections on generosity by IFES General Secretary Daniel Bourdanné.
On Friday, please join us in praying for the IFES movements in over 160 nations, as well as for our student groups here in Canada.

And if you want a place to start, here is a request from one of our leaders in Canada:
Amy, InterVarsity at Guelph–