Our Stories
Pursuing An Undivided Life
By Nigel Pollock, InterVarsity President
In my first year at university my life was falling apart. I was struggling with my coursework, relationships, money and sport. I was confused about my identity and my priorities. I did not know how my Christian faith related to any of this. A group of friends in the Christian Union prayed for me and encouraged me. One of them painted a landscape with a Bible verse. It became a special verse, the beginning of my understanding that the Lord was committed to my restoration.
The renewal and restoration of young people has been a key component of InterVarsity’s vision for 95 years and remains a central aspect of our work today. We are committed to helping young people and students answer the biggest questions they face.
What is the purpose of life? How am I to use my gifts, time, and money? Where will I find love, hope and forgiveness? Who is Jesus and what does following him look like at this time, with my family and friends?
How does the good news of Jesus relate to culture and how does the Bible apply to the whole of life?
How does the good news of Jesus relate to culture and how does the Bible apply to the whole of life?
There are many issues in our culture that fragment and divide. Political polarity, ideological division, family complexity, geographical migration, emotional, mental and psychological stress, pressure to succeed and conform make growing up a complicated business. Many young people experience their lives unravelling, some are confused, others are distraught, most have a hunger for something more.
That verse on the wall of my student room all those years ago is still precious to me:
“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”
(1 Thessalonians 5 v 23-24)
I believe InterVarsity is uniquely placed to disciple young people in their crucial years. In 2024, we begin implementing a five-year plan to extend our reach and deepen our impact through our five aims:
- Discovering Jesus
- Undivided Life
- Growing Influence
- Integrated Thinking
- Global Action
In 2024, we are rallying around these five priorities aimed at helping students live undivided lives for Jesus.

Campus: Contextualizing and Communicating the Gospel
We long for students to find peace with themselves, their community, and the world through right relationship with God. They know our world is fractured and are asking for solutions to heal brokenness and learn the goodness of an undivided life.
In 2024 we will:
- Equip and encourage student leaders on 50 campuses.
- Resource and support 1,000 students in regular Bible studies, prayer gatherings and community dinners.
- Broaden our reach during New Student Outreach months (January and September to connect with 3,000 students.)

Workplace: Mentoring Graduates
Our mission is to help graduates recognize the significance of work within God’s greater plan for the world and his people. Our goal is to empower them to lead undivided lives, intertwining their faith with their professional endeavors. We also want to see young adults plug into local churches and establish solid foundations of life and work post-studies.
In 2024, we will:
- Invite 60 students to pre-graduation training events across the country.
- Equip and encourage 150 recent graduates so they can navigate the workplace as emerging adults.

High School and at Camp: Equipping young leaders
High school is a crucial time for young people to identify and develop their spiritual gifts and natural abilities so they can serve God in the world. Many teens are disappointed with established institutions and leaders and fearful of stepping into leadership themselves.
In 2024 we will:
- Mentor 50 students in five discipleship clusters across Canada.
- Nurture a love for prayer among these 50 students, particularly for their peers and their schools.
- Revise our camp Leaders In Training curriculum to meet the needs of today’s teens.

Staff and Volunteers: Resourcing Leaders
Our core staff and the more than 1,000 volunteers who serve in our camp, high school, campus and workplace ministries are key to reaching more and more young people with the Gospel. We believe we will retain more staff and volunteers if they feel equipped, supported and encouraged.
In 2024 we will:
- Begin a series of new discipleship and professional development opportunities for our core ministry staff and volunteers.

Prayer: Expanding Opportunities
We long for places of learning and work to be marked by grace, mercy and truth through the witness of Christian students, teachers, professors and staff. May our camps be places where encounters with God lead to transformed lives.
In 2024 we will:
- Invite more people to pray daily for our mission through our Intercessor Prayer Guide.
- Establish more regular prayer groups across the country.
- Grow our partnerships with churches.
As you read them, would you prayerfully consider how you might increase your involvement and strengthen your contribution to our mission?

Help Grow Faith in the Crucial Years
*All donations received by December 31st, will receive a 2023 tax receipt.
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