Prayer changes things.


At InterVarsity, we want to partner with the Holy Spirit at high schools, universities, summer camps and around the world.

When you pray with us, you join the teen leader at summer camp who’s talking to a camper about Jesus for the first time. You’re there on campus as a student shares their struggles with our staff.

Please pray:

Prayer requests for the next generation

Pray for an increased hunger for God, as young people wrestle through apathy and so many distractions each day.


Pray for protection from the Enemy over their mental and spiritual health, as we’ve seen young people facing unprecedented mental health issues.


Pray that they would embrace the call to be disciples who make disciples, and not just keep their faith to themselves. Pray that they would be generous with the Gospel at their schools, with their friends, and with their families.

Prayer requests for InterVarsity:

Pray for camp staff who work alongside campers and leaders who are sharing Jesus with children at camp. Pray that campers press into their faith and develop friendships that will hopefully last for the rest of their lives.


Pray for student leaders on campus who are leading their fellowships alongside InterVarsity staff to build the Kingdom of God on campus. Pray for boldness and joy as they live out their faith on campus.


Pray for high school students who are trying to start InterVarsity groups in their schools, that they would find favour with the administration.


Pray for graduate students, navigating what it means to juggle their studies and their futures.


Pray for recent graduates who are learning what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in their workplaces.


Pray for our organizational staff as we try to faithfully lead this ministry across Canada. Pray for more workers in all of our ministry areas, that God would call people to this good work and provide the resources to do it well.

To pray for the specific needs of our staff, download this month’s Intercessor Prayer Calendar.

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