Dorothy Mihindukulasuriya

Campus Minister - ISM at UBC (seconded from WEC Canada)
University of British Columbia

Dorothy hails from McMaster and was a part of the first teams that helped to establish a sister movement, through IFES, in Lithuania. She worked with ISM at UBC for 5+ years after which she served in Sri Lanka, supporting the student movement, teaching part-time at Colombo Theological Seminary, helping at-risk youth, and teaching ESL. She loves all things international, and is delighted to have the privilege of hosting and coming alongside

students as they navigate daily life and faith. Dorothy has an MA from Regent and is enjoying continual connection and learning with the Regent community where her husband teaches.

Dorothy’s desire is “to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” that she may be “filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19), that this love and ‘fullness’ would draw others to seek Him.

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