Grace Park

Ministry Partnerships & Donor Care Manager
National Resource Team

Staff since: April 2017 Grace develops strategic administrative systems in fundraising, communications, and public relations that support of the mission of InterVarsity. She loves being a part of a ministry […]

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Hannah Guerrero

Campus Minister
University of Winnipeg

Staff since: September 2021 Hannah loves helping students become risk takers and servant leaders for God on their campus and in the world around them. Hannah got her start with […]

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Hogan Brimacomb

Hogan Brimacombe

Campus Minister
University of Alberta, MacEwan University

Staff since: May 2012 Hogan reaches out to students with the loving compassion of Jesus on campus. He helps people love living for Jesus more each day. He teaches students […]

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Ian Elliot

National Director of Evangelism
National Resource Centre

Staff since: August 1983 Ian encourages people to share their faith lovingly and consistently, through every part of their lives. He greatly enjoys being part of a movement that embraces […]

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Iris Eom

Campus Minister
University of Toronto St. George

Staff Since: August 2021. Iris is passionate about working with international students and actively engages in conversations about faith, academics and life. Her experience as an international student helps her […]

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James Allaway

National Director of Workplace and Strategic Ministries
National Resource Centre

Staff since: August 2019 (IFES staff since 2003) James helps recent graduates grasp how their work fits into God’s plans for the world, and how the training and formation they […]

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James Siebert

Campus Minister
University of Alberta

Staff since: February 2005 James welcomes international students to Canada and introduces them to Jesus. He helps followers of Jesus grow to love God and make God known. He loves […]

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Jamie MacArthur

Campus Director
Atlantic Canada

Staff since: March 2020 Jamie is privileged to encourage and supervise current staff, while also recruiting and supporting teams for new and existing student ministries throughout the Atlantic provinces. He […]

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Janet Epp Buckingham

Board of Directors
A photo of Janice Agustin

Janice Agustin

Campus Minister
Simon Fraser University (Burnaby)

Staff since: September 2017 Janice prays about what God is doing on campus, then joins in God’s work of healing and pointing people to Jesus. She empowers students to lead […]

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Jared Mortley

LIT Director & Toronto High School Staff

Jared disciples high school students, encouraging them to share God’s love and invite their friends into a transformative, life-long relationship with Jesus. He also partners with local youth pastors to […]

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Jean Chamberlain

Board Member

Jenny Al-Adra

General Director
Pioneer Camp Alberta

With not only growing up at Pioneer Camp Alberta, Jenny has also been a consistent leader here for most of her life, even as she pursued other vocational callings and […]

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JoAnn Bennett

Administrative Assistant - Camps

At camp since: October 2002 JoAnn assists the VP of camping. She networks with, encourages and supports camps wherever needed. She has over 30 years of experience working in camping […]

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staff placeholder

John Gall

Operations Manager
InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Pacific

Staff since: November 2009 As a Camp Staff I seek to encourage and build up children in faith, leadership and love. Please contact me if you want to know more […]

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John Page

Board of Directors

Joseph Lanigan

Operations Manager
InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Big Clear Lake

Staff since: September 2017 (volunteer since 2013) Joe maintains the Ranch facilities and works on building projects, so that campers and guests can have fun, stay safe and encounter Jesus. […]

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Josephine Tam

Josephine Tam

High School Minister
Calgary High Schools

Josephine works with high school ministry to help them discover Jesus and begin their walk with Him. She loves growing in friendship with students and seeing them come to know […]

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Joshua Chu

Director of Ministry Acceleration and Partnership
National Resource Team

Staff since: June 2011 Josh works to honour the many ways that God calls people to partner in the development of the next generation of kingdom-of-God leaders. He studied theology […]

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Jud Hillock

Jud Hillock

Sites Manager
Pioneer Camp Alberta

Jud loves spending time outside at his farm in Bergen and is active with motocross, hunting, camping, dance, skiing/snowboarding, paddle-boarding and taekwondo. Camp ministry has always held a special place […]

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