Archi Balakumaran

Campus Minister, Artist-in-Residence
OCAD University, National Resource Team

Archi works on campus and nationally to equip students, staff, campers, volunteers, and other friends of InterVarsity, to discover and harness their creative gifts to be used to further the […]

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Ashley Chan

Director of Toronto High School Ministry

Ashley works to grow the high school ministry across Canada so that more youth can discover Jesus with their friends at school. She hopes to establish communities of students to […]

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Austin Fedchuk

Campus Minister
University of British Columbia

Staff since: September 2017 Austin helps students discover who God has made them to be by teaching them to study scripture and pray so that they can recognize God’s voice […]

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Bill Stewart

Board Member

Bonnie Bales

Guest Group Coordinator & Bookkeeper
InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Alberta

Staff since: February 2016 Bonnie manages bookkeeping for both Pioneer Camp Alberta sites, as well as year-round guest group bookings for the Sundre site. She loves that her work is […]

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Brandon Kong

Campus Minister
University of Ottawa, Trent University

Staff since: May 2020 Brandon helps develop Jesus-witnessing communities by discipling students and leaders. He helps students contextualize the gospel in their lives at school, work, with friends and among […]

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Bryn Vargas

Campus Minister

Bryn invites students to experience who Jesus is. Through bible study and life in community, Bryn leads students to respond creatively to the word of God and know themselves and […]

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Caleb Hosie

Caleb Hosie

Director of Programming and Development
Pioneer Pacific Camp

Staff since June 2012 Caleb worked on staff for four years in 2012-2015 at Pioneer and is excited to be back serving at Pioneer: the place he loves. Caleb loves […]

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staff placeholder

Carl Chang

Accounting Manager
National Resource Team

Staff since: September 2012 As a National Services Staff I seek to resource the camp and campus ministries so that youth, students and graduates are built up in faith, leadership […]

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Cassidy West

Board Member

Charis Goh

Campus Director
British Columbia

Staff since: September 2009 Charis oversees campus ministries in British Columbia by resourcing campus staff and developing relationships with local churches and organizations. She loves watching students and staff grow […]

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Cheralyn Post

Campus Minister
University of Ottawa, Saint Paul University

Staff since: September 2016 Cheralyn leads an international community of students formed around the gospel of Jesus. She longs for every international student on our campuses to have the opportunity […]

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Chloe Liu

Board Member

Chris Leong

Board of Directors

Cristy Williams Dagenais

Campus Minister
Carleton University

Staff since: July 2017 Cristy disciples students, leading them to meet, trust and follow Jesus. In turn, she coaches students to disciple their friends. She studied religion, philosophy and ministry, […]

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Cristyn Bergen

Campus Minister
University of Northern British Columbia

Staff since: December 2021. Cristyn desires to disciple students and help them walk closer with Jesus every day in the sacred moments and the mundane. She loves building relationships and […]

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Daiane Alecrim

Finance Officer
National Resource Team

Staff since: July 2021. Daiane is passionate about seeing students encounter Jesus and the discover the powerful message of the cross that transforms hearts and reorients young people’s entire lives. […]

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Dan Clubine

National Project Manager
National Resource Team

Staff since: February 2009 Dan provides leadership direction to projects that have strategic value to the organization. His goal is to remove systemic barriers that keep InterVarsity staff from being […]

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Dan Ingram

Executive Director
InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Spruce Woods

Staff since: September 2001 Dan cultivates the vision of the Ranch to help young people thrive in their walk with God. He supervises the staff team and encourages connections with […]

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Danae Nelson

Campus Minister
University of Lethbridge

Staff since: November 2018 Danae creates opportunities for students to hear the gospel and be discipled. She welcomes students, Canadians and those from around the world, into her home. She […]

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